
by Mary E Knippel

write normal

Time to Rewrite Normal…Again!

July 23, 20233 min read

Time to Rewrite  Normal…Again! Have you ever heard the saying “normal is a setting on washing machines?”

Now, consider all the adjustments you and I tackle all the time. Ya gotta laugh and shake your head at the reality of this message about the fleeting concept of “normal.”

Life before Covid was chaotic because of circumstances you just can’t plan for beyond making a list of priorities and calendaring your commitments. I mean details involving my business, my health, my immediate family, my extended family and how all those specific details have the potential to derail me. And I’m not just talking about missing a text or email, I’m talking about a death in the family and the recovery process after another breast cancer surgery.

What I’d like to invite us all to consider is the concept that rewriting your normal is an ongoing process. We are always rethinking ways to adapt to the next challenge presented to us. Writing and rewriting don’t just apply to the paper process of journaling. It’s our thought process of negotiating what to do first, where to put our focus next and how we juggle multiple commitments to succeed in what we want to accomplish.

My philosophy is that writing makes things real. Sounds simplistic I know, yet very empowering.

Writing things down

  • has a way of helping us focus

  • makes us take stock of our priorities

  • keeps us on track so nothing gets forgotten

  • helps us determine what is a should

  • grants permission for us to choose want to

Writing things down is not foolproof. I’m the first one to tell you that writing it down is not infallible. After all, we are only human. We are not machines that can be set to “normal” and perform exactly the same every time.

Even if you write something down, things can get missed.

With the best intentions, we forget to do what we promised because something else cropped up that seemed to be a priority. Or, our brain didn’t remind us to consult what we’d written down.

One way of establishing a pattern of rewriting normal is to journal what’s going on in your life for at least 5 minutes every day and to sync your paper calendar with your electronic calendar. You can set up reminders on your phone to help you track what’s going on and keep you focused. Writing it on a paper calendar is another way to anchor your commitments and establish your priorities. And no, writing your calendar appointments is not part of your 5-minutes of journaling.

The beauty of rewriting your normal is that you get to revisit what happened previously, garner wisdom from those life experiences, and make a plan for what you want to have happen next. And it helps you be aware of how your story is changing. It helps you own the story you have been creating as a result of all the wisdom you have acquired from your life experiences.

That sure sounds like a beautiful plan to me.

I have a knack for helping you get your ideas out of your head and onto the page so that you can share your transformational story to write that book to grow your business …to leave a legacy beyond this lifetime. Schedule a time to chat with me about what you’d like to write on your page!

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Mary E Knippel

Mary E. Knippel, the Soul Story Writer, best-selling author, inspirational speaker, writing mentor, and retreat leader, helps Transformational Leaders connect to their soul’s calling and articulate it into the written word. Working together as a team, Mary helps you craft and package your vision into professional credibility assets to grow your business, attract clients and leave a legacy beyond this lifetime. Contact her at

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