
by Mary E Knippel

Writing is a Labor of Love

Writing is a Labor of Love

August 31, 20242 min read


We are celebrating Labor Day and I’m wondering how you feel about writing?  Is it a labor of love? Is it a lot of labor with very little love returned? Or is it something you long to do and never seem to find the time to do it?

The responses I often hear are: “Yes, I want to write!”  “When I sit down to write the time just flies by.” “I want to write but find it difficult to carve out when I will actually write!”

I know the feeling. When my daughter was young, I'd get up before the rest of the household so that I had some quiet time to journal and hear my own thoughts. It isn't the case now, however, I can still jump into my day without spending that quality time getting centered. So I must make a concerted effort to carve out writing time every day. And it doesn't have to be in my designated journal, it can be in the little notebook in my purse, or a note on your phone.

I learned recently that Agatha Christie kept hundreds of journals of various sizes and wrote down every idea that came into her head. Jotted down next to the list of bread, cheese and butter was the beginnings of a complicated murder mystery.

No, I'm not suggesting that we have to go to those lengths, although I do like to always have something to write with at my fingertips. Either a small notebook and pen, or just a blank index card when inspiration sparks and idea.

What if we are always prepared to capture random thoughts?

What if then we could retrieve them to be savored and examined at a later date?

What if those disjointed phrases came together to become a magical piece of writing?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the thought of writing was endearing instead of frustrating and frightening? That we are thrilled to start a project instead of terrified to begin.

With the perspective of writing as a labor of love, I show up on the page first for myself. And when I'm clear in my heart the story I'm to relate, it's important I share that with the world. My writing gives witness to the transformation I've lived and am living every day.

Just five minutes of your hand moving across the page can make a huge difference in your day.

And, as always, if this message has you curious about getting support with your own writing, I'm here to help. Grab a spot on my calendar today!

Until then, Happy Writing


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Mary E Knippel

Mary E. Knippel, the Soul Story Writer, best-selling author, inspirational speaker, writing mentor, and retreat leader, helps Transformational Leaders connect to their soul’s calling and articulate it into the written word. Working together as a team, Mary helps you craft and package your vision into professional credibility assets to grow your business, attract clients and leave a legacy beyond this lifetime. Contact her at

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