Are you telling the story that matters the most?
What do you think is the story that matters most? Great literature? A cherished spiritual document such as the Bible, or Tora? Those volumes and many more carry great significance. I'm referring to something only you would know.
Do you know the story that matters the most?
The story that matters the most is Your Untold Story!
Recently, I was having a conversation with a colleague who confided that although she was confident other people had a story worth writing, she didn't think there was anything that someone else would find interesting or exciting in her story. Her perspective was (and I'll be willing to bet there are lots more like her) that she'd never been written up in Who's Who, received awards from her business community, or achieved some athletic recognition, all contributed to her assumption that she didn't have a story worth sharing.
Can you relate to her belief?
When I was in high school, we were assigned to write a research paper on three careers we were interested in pursuing. I wrote about going to college to study acting, becoming a famous actress who could do comedy and drama with ease, was a darling of the London and New York stage and had conquered the silver screen along with television. I wrote about becoming an accomplished dancer who traveled the world performing for sold-out crowds at every venue. I wrote about writing stories that touched the hearts of those who read my words and writing in exotic parts of the world.
Although neatly typed and turned in on time, I received a C+ for the project because my career choices were judged unrealistic. I was a shy, quiet 15-year-old girl in a small Midwestern farming community. How could I possibly aspire to be an actress, a dancer, or a writer, for that matter? I had never taken a dance lesson or shown any particular talent for the stage. My writing was confined to my journals and never shared with anyone.
I had been challenging myself to follow my dreams. Speech class just about gave me heart failure. I not only actively participated in class, but I also took part in the school district Speech contest for extra credit. I managed to be part of the cast of six in our class play, The Spiral Staircase and didn’t die before, during, or after any of the five performances.
I married a very nice boy and helped him earn a college degree. However, I never gave up on my dreams of what I believed my future could hold.
One Untold Story…
I quit my secretarial job and became a full-time college freshman a week before my 30th birthday. I wanted it all…family and career. A college degree would be that first milestone just for me. I would have new career options because I’d discovered a passion for writing and would do whatever was necessary to achieve that goal. I no longer was that shy, insecure country girl. I was a young woman eager for new challenges and ready to tackle what life had in store as long as it came in small doses.
No one can share your story from your perspective except YOU! And there is someone waiting to hear your story.
And I'll say it again: the story that matters the most is your untold story!
It's time you discovered Your Untold Story! I created a 90-minute hands-on virtual workshop to help you do just that. Somone is waitng to hear your untold story. They need the wisdom you have gleaned from the greatest story you have never told…your untold story.
Contact Me today and let's talk about your Untold Story!
photo credit: caronmodernmedia