
by Mary E Knippel

Featured Post

Your soul story is the core of who you are, and you may not even be aware of it. Oh, but I promise you it's there. Operating under the surface in your subconscious. Acting as your personal GPS guidance system and helping guide you on your journey through life.

Be Relevant & Timely - Writing Wisdom

Be Relevant & Timely - Writing Wisdom

Be Relevant & Timely - Writing WisdomMary E Knippel
Published on: 10/05/2024

For example, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. You could create relevant and timely content by referencing a statistic that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime.

MemoirBloggingSoul Story
Writing is a Labor of Love

Writing is a Labor of Love

Writing is a Labor of LoveMary E Knippel
Published on: 08/31/2024

We are celebrating Labor Day and I’m wondering how you feel about writing? Is it a labor of love? Is it a lot of labor with very little love returned? Or is it something you long to do and never seem to find the time to do it? The responses I often hear are: “Yes, I want to write!” “When I sit down to write the time just flies by.” “I want to write but find it difficult to carve out when I will actually write!”

Soul Story
Create Your Independence Story

Create Your Independence Story

Create Your Independence StoryMary E Knippel
Published on: 07/01/2024

Independence, self-confidence, boldness, self-care, personal growth, transformational story, self-nurturing, overcoming challenges, empowerment, writing journey.

JournalingSoul Story Mentor
Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Effective CommunicationMary E Knippel
Published on: 06/21/2024

Effective Communication #writing #story #workshop #author

WorkshopSoul Story Mentor

Unlocking Business Success: Blogging Essentials for 2024

A Year of Blogging

Resource / Pdf

A cure for blogging writers block!

Soul Story Mastermind

Join with like-minded women to explore and create your best life!