
by Mary E Knippel

Featured Post

Your soul story is the core of who you are, and you may not even be aware of it. Oh, but I promise you it's there. Operating under the surface in your subconscious. Acting as your personal GPS guidance system and helping guide you on your journey through life.

Writing Wisdom:  Write Without Judgement

Writing Wisdom: Write Without Judgement

Writing Wisdom:  Write Without JudgementMary E Knippel
Published on: 02/28/2025

Writing can be intimidating and that’s why so many budding writers stop themselves before they get started because they judge themselves lacking. I get it. Putting your writing out there pushes our vulnerability button. A way to address this dilemma is to Write Without Judgement. Writing without judgment is one of the most freeing things a writer can do. When we let go of the need to be perfect, we open ourselves up to creativity, discovery, and growth. Too often, writers hesitate, second-guess, or edit themselves before a single sentence is complete. This self-criticism stifles the creative process and makes writing feel more like a chore than a joy.

Writing PromptSoul Story MentorSoul StoryWriting Wisdom
What Wisdom can I share?

What Wisdom can I share?

What Wisdom can I share?Mary E Knippel
Published on: 05/08/2024

What Wisdom can I share? I don't have a degree or letters after my name!

Writing PromptMemoir
Wishing You the Merriest!

Wishing You the Merriest!

Wishing You the Merriest!Mary E Knippel
Published on: 12/24/2023

Tis the Season. Here's hoing you are doing what you love surrounded by the people you love at this cherished time of year.

Writing Prompt
The soul would have no rainbow

The soul would have no rainbow

The soul would have no rainbowMary E Knippel
Published on: 09/22/2023

soul would have no rainbow

Writing PromptJournaling

Unlocking Business Success: Blogging Essentials for 2024

A Year of Blogging

Resource / Pdf

A cure for blogging writers block!

Soul Story Mastermind

Join with like-minded women to explore and create your best life!